In The Lord's Prayer, we are told to thank God for our daily bread. We are told by many we should have faith in God for our needs. However, I see and hear the same persons making these statements fretting over whether or not someone has a job. Why is this double standard?
Back in the early 1980's I remember talking to a co-worker who was extremely devoted to putting away money for his retirement in an IRA(it was the main financial mantra of that day). The next time I saw him (about 20 years later)he told me that he was divorced and lost his home and all the money in his IRA. King Solomon said in Ecclesiates 2:18,19 that he hated all his labour being left to someone after him, whether wise or a fool. Also, in Proverbs 27:1, King Solomon, states "Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Should we not focus on God to provide, instead of a job?
I'm not advocating quitting your job or foolishly giving way your possessions, but bringing attention to all the worry many of us go through for no good reason. Many of the things we have and desire are not necessary for our life, we have been conditioned by the media, our parents and teachers to strive after worldly things. "Retirement nest eggs" and such have never been apart of the human experience, but has been a ploy to rob many in this current economic crisis we're in today.
Lets make the best use of what God blesses us with to help ourselves and better serve society as a whole.