Saturday, June 27, 2009

Please Love Our Young People

Today I was working in San Luis Obispo and happened to hear and see a young man calling out for someone to smile at him. He was homeless and spiritually lost. I asked him his name and he said it was tattooed on his face. I noticed the tattoo read "Bull Shit". I asked him why he felt that way and he began to tell about being "on his own" of his home in New Orleans when he was sixteen and he's been wondering around since then. He feels that life has nothing to offer him anymore and he wants to die before he's thirty.

I began to encourage him and tell him that all the hurts people have inflicted upon him can be overcome by changing his thinking. I told that I have been going through a major change in my thinking and have been able to overcome many past hurts I felt. I told him that I believe in him and that he can make a change in his life and lead others to freedom too. He told me that no one has ever said anything like that to him in his whole life. He and I walked down the block talking, until we had to go our separate ways. When I was about half a block away he called out "Hey", I turn around and he yelled "keep your chin up" and gestured the same by using his hand to lift up his chin.

I've attended some of the Doug Addision training seminars and strongly believe we have opportunities to encourage others we know or don't know each day if we look and listen. Our children will stop and listen to us if we stop and listen to them. They are struggling today with the pressures of limiting beliefs and false accusations people have labeled them. They can be reached with our love and caring.

Friday, June 12, 2009

To Evict or Not To Evict

I was talking to a fellow brother today, who stated that he had "the father/son talk" to his 18 year old son who was about to graduate from high school. He stated that you must let your son know who's boss. I told him that I disagree with his conclusion and I told him that all children aren't the same. Some children are rebellious and some are compliant. I told him that one child may be ready to move on in life at 18 years old, but many are not. My fellow brother stated that the "child must go out and get a job".

Here is a scenario for those of you who are compelled to follow this sort of thinking process:
For many years parents threw their children out at 18, now we have a housing boom and bust; inflation; a worldwide recession; unemployment tops 10%; its an employers market; the average 18 year old has no marketable job skills or financial education.

Now I would like to praise two other brothers who recently related two other thought processes which I agree with:
A. The 1st brother has two sons he described as lucky in that they found fields they loved early on and doors were opened up for them. This father's humble statement that he was proud of his two sons without attributing their successes to himself.
B. The 2nd brother said his two sons'-in-law hit hard times and he opened his home to their families. This father's compassion and recognition of an opportunity to share the LOVE of God with his adult children is putting action to his beliefs.

I hope the Lord sends others to speak into the first mentioned brother's heart. I'm sure other opportunties will arise for me to talk with him more.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lifehouse Everything Skit on

I just watched the lifehouse everything skit and I was almost in tears. To think about how much the Lord loves us, inspite of our wrong use of the free will he created in us. This skit is very moving and gives a graphic meaning to the Lord's words about his love for us.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Our Daily Bread

In The Lord's Prayer, we are told to thank God for our daily bread. We are told by many we should have faith in God for our needs. However, I see and hear the same persons making these statements fretting over whether or not someone has a job. Why is this double standard?
Back in the early 1980's I remember talking to a co-worker who was extremely devoted to putting away money for his retirement in an IRA(it was the main financial mantra of that day). The next time I saw him (about 20 years later)he told me that he was divorced and lost his home and all the money in his IRA. King Solomon said in Ecclesiates 2:18,19 that he hated all his labour being left to someone after him, whether wise or a fool. Also, in Proverbs 27:1, King Solomon, states "Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Should we not focus on God to provide, instead of a job?
I'm not advocating quitting your job or foolishly giving way your possessions, but bringing attention to all the worry many of us go through for no good reason. Many of the things we have and desire are not necessary for our life, we have been conditioned by the media, our parents and teachers to strive after worldly things. "Retirement nest eggs" and such have never been apart of the human experience, but has been a ploy to rob many in this current economic crisis we're in today.
Lets make the best use of what God blesses us with to help ourselves and better serve society as a whole.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mentors Old and New

Today I was reflecting on one of my mentors, who was also my favorite uncle. He was crippled by spinal meningitis at 8 years old. He never had the joys of youth most of us remember, like running through a park or at school or swimming at the public pools. He was always in the house, too weak to do anything. He had no formal schooling, girl friends, wife or children. But he was the most helpful and patience man I've ever known.
During this time of recession many people I hear are complaining about what they don't have anymore. I think back about this uncle who had never had or driven a car, never had a job in his life, never owned or rented a home of his own or had a bank account. He was always trying to encourage others and giving his time to enlighten others to see the opportunity we have to look outside ourselves and touch someone.
Yesterday, I encountered a homeless person who said "God loves you" and stated that she is standing in faith on Philippians 4:19, ( "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.") Then she said she has nothing to complain about and asked me what did I read this morning to stand in faith on. I was at a lost for words. I remember the words of the late Dr. Walter Martin who already said we should have a reason to believe when ever we encounter someone.
Let us remember the same.